New year, new me

How many of you year after year have made an unattainable resolution at New Years to go to the gym every single day, eat healthy, etc and then find yourself two weeks later right back where you started? We have all been there....I know I have. And I can pinpoint these people at the gym every year for the first two weeks of January clogging up the gym and then never seeing them again. So how do you actually stick to your resolution of living a healthier lifestyle?

1. Choose A Realistic Goal
If you set a goal of working out 5 days a week (which is a great goal) if you don't even exercise once a week, chances are you will not be able to stick to that goal. I hate to be that negative Nancy, but I have been there in the past and I know how many times I have failed to stick to an unrealistic goal that I have made. Small, realistic goals are the only way to not only stick to your resolution, but it starts the process of making it a lifestyle change instead of a resolution. So start off small. Set a resolution to work out 3 days a week minimum if you do not workout at all now, and if you exercise more days, great! If you don't, you will not beat yourself up for not sticking to your goal. Or maybe working out on the weekends just doesn't happen for you and you want to change that. Set a goal to go to the gym for at least two Saturdays in the month and then maybe the next month set a goal to go three Saturdays that month. Starting off small and then slowly setting more goals will make it more likely for you to stick with them. Remember, it is all about a lifestyle change and not a quick fix.

2. Reward Yourself
We all like to be rewarded for our good behavior or actions, so why wouldn't we reward ourselves for sticking to a goal we made? I have personally found that rewarding yourself for meeting a goal makes you more likely to stick to your resolution. So treat yourself to a much needed massage or a cute new workout outfit after you have reached your goal!

Let's face it, life happens. You're stuck at work late and can't get to the gym one night, or catching an extra hour or so of sleep instead of working out that morning is what your body is needing causing you to not meet the goal you had set. That is ok....tomorrow is a new day! Don't give up on your goals just because you messed up one day. 

Make this your best year yet!


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