Here goes nothing....

  I don't know about ya'll, but as a busy working girl (2 jobs AND school), I find it very hard sometimes to keep up with a healthy lifestyle. And then I go on social media and watch bada** women like Melissa Hartwig (Co-creater of Whole30) working out and looking AMAZING and I can't help but to feel bad about myself because I don't look like her. Then I have to remind myself that this is what she does for a living and has way more time to spend in the gym and cooking than a regular person such as myself has. BUT, I know first hand that it is possible to achieve your health and fitness goals despite being a busy gal. That is what inspired me to create this blog.

My fitness journey started 6 years ago when I woke up one morning and was just sick of being overweight. I was 5'4 and about a size 12/14 and wasn't athletic by any means. I didn't workout ever and my eating habits were terrible, hence how I go to be in that state. Once I finally set my mind to getting in shape, I went through years of crash dieting and crash workout plans each time failing miserably after a few weeks or even days. It took quite a while for me to find something I enjoyed to do in the gym and changing my eating habits. I realized in this time that you cannot completely change your physique in just 30 days, nor will those programs/diets become sustainable; I had to make a complete lifestyle change.  At this present time, I am now the healthiest and most athletic I have been and I plan to continue this lifestyle for the rest of my life.

I am hoping to reach people with this blog that are in the same spot I was years ago and show that it is possible to achieve your health and fitness goals and to maintain them as a lifestyle.


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