Chiropractic Care

I have met two people in this world when it comes to chiropractic care; people that swear by it, or people that think it is complete phooey. Let me start by saying that not too long ago, I was in the former group. I thought chiropractic care was good for those that had serious injuries, but did nothing for those that are not injured. But now, I swear by my chiro and think it is important to share my story of how my thoughts and opinions changed.

Let me start by saying that I have had some pretty terrible posture my entire life which is something that runs in my family; my grandmother had a very bad hunchback. I thought I would be able to fix this by doing different types of stretches and exercises that were good for improving posture, or by doing a bunch of yoga. However, I found that it wasn't that simple.

At the beginning of the summer, I started suffering from a lot of dull achy pain in my upper back, along the shoulders, right below my neck, etc. I had just started training for the Chicago Marathon and had increased my level of training in the gym as well, so I had just assumed that my soreness was a result of those two things. A friend of mine had suggested that I check out a chiropractor to see what they could do for me and referred me to my current chiro. I went into that initial appointment really skeptical and kept thinking that this was a waste of time. Once I received my xrays back and saw how messed up my spine was I figured it wouldn't hurt to try and see what they could do to help, but I wasn't going to hold my breath.

I started my treatment by going to the office 3 times a week doing different strength building exercises, traction therapy, and getting adjusted. When I first started my office visits, I suffered from a ton of soreness in my IT band that would keep me up at night and also really affected me on my long training runs. I was about to say, "screw it!" and quit my care, but I had prepaid for the treatment, so had to stick it out.

Once I had been going for a while, however, I noticed the soreness in my upper back going away and I was becoming more limber. I always suffered from super tight hip flexors when I had first started running, but that had subsided as well. That is when I started thinking that this Chiro care may not be as much as hoax as I originally had thought. After I had completed the 3 months of care that I had committed to, my doctor did more xrays to see the progress. The results were staggering!

On my initial xrays, I had found that my pelvic bone had developed lop-sided which then in turn threw everything else off and gave me a case of scoliosis. After my period of treatment, my spine had shifted so much into where it was supposed to be! Not only that, but my body was moving in ways I was unable to do so beforehand, I was sleeping better, and I just overall felt much better.

After seeing those results, I decided that keeping Chiropractic care as part of my regular routine would be great for my body and continue to go twice as week and recommend it for everyone!


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