Don't be that person (A dummy's guide to gym etiquette)

It doesn't take much time being at the gym to know that people suck. Nothing is more frustrating that getting into zone during your workout only to have some idiot do something to annoy you. Below is a list of some things to do at the gym so you do not become THAT person that everyone can't stand.

1. Wipe down your machine
There is nothing worse than waiting to use a machine at the gym only to find that the person using it prior to you has left a trail of their disgusting sweat. You know those little wet wipes that are in practically every corner of the gym? Use them!

2. Machine "Reserving" 
This is about as annoying as people using folding chairs to reserve their parking spot in the winter. We all want to get in to the gym, put in our work, and get out, but "reserving" multiple machines at a time is just not ok....this is not your private gym. The same goes for the space you use while working out. Don't spread your crap all over the place to the point that it impedes others' use of the space.

3. There is a place for everything
This rule is applicable in many instances, not just at the gym. If you use a piece of equipment (dumbell, sandbell, ect) put it back where it belongs when you're finished; no one wants to play a game of "Hot or Cold" to find workout equipment.

4. Channel Changing
I personally am not a huge TV watcher while I am doing cardio, but there have been some instances when focusing on whatever is on TV is the only thing keeping my mind off the fact that I feel like I am dying. Then someone comes along and just changes the channel breaking my concentration and focusing my mind back to my grueling workout. If you want to change the channel, ask the other people if they are watching the Television before you do.

If you couldn't tell, this is probably my biggest pet peeve at the gym. You are there to sweat and work not take up a bench/machine and text all your friends. Put the phone away and workout!

Happy Gymgoing!


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