Your health while traveling

Let's face it, sticking to your workouts and eating healthy while traveling is REALLY hard to do. You're not in your usual environment with your regular schedule and eating out for every meal. But while sticking to being healthy is hard, it is not impossible. It takes a little bit more of planning and preparation, but I can tell you from experience, you feel so much better when you do not all out forsake your typical healthy lifestyle.

Before you pack for your trip, do your research! Does the hotel you're staying at have a fitness center? Obviously this option is ideal to be able to help stick to your workouts, but it is not a deal breaker; do not just decide to not workout based off no fitness center being accessible. If you are staying in an urban destination, search around and see if there is a gym nearby the hotel and call to see if they offer day passes to use their facilities. If that is not an option, there are still a number of exercises you can do right in your hotel room! There are so many fitness apps out there that have a number of different kinds of workouts including workouts where you do not need any equipment. If you are a walker/runner and the weather is nice, go for a run outside and explore the area you are staying in!

I cannot stress this enough.....PLAN YOUR FOOD! I recently was doing Whole30 and my last day landed on the same day I was flying out for a vacation. I could have easily said, "screw it, I am on vacation" and ate anything I wanted, but I had made it that far and was determined to stick to it until the end. In order to do that, I had to plan ahead with my meals on the travel day since I was spending the majority of my day in the airport. The night before I left, I made sure to pack my bag with Whole30 compliment snacks such as Epic jerky bars, nuts, fruit, etc. By just doing a little planning, I was able to stick to my dietary restrictions and was able to avoid becoming hangry. When going out to eat, be aware of the food choices you are making. Instead of getting that hamburger and fries, try to pick a healthier menu option, or make modifications to the "bad" food so you're not eating as terribly. It is obviously important to enjoy your vacation, so allow yourself a couple treats, but try to not make every meal filled with junk me, your body will thank you!

Most importantly, enjoy yourself! If you didn't work out as much as you told yourself or indulged in more treats than you had planned, give yourself grace and do not beat yourself up over it....when you get back home, jump right back into your routine.

Happy Traveling!


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