
Showing posts from January, 2018

The most important meal of the day

How many of you out there do not eat breakfast every day? The majority of people I know typically skip this meal and I am here to tell you why NOT to miss breakfast and give you tips on being able to fit prepping and eating into our crazy, busy mornings. First of all, breakfast is so delicious....why would you want to skip it? Eating in the morning kick starts your metabolism so you can head into the day being a lean, mean fat burning machine. Also, if you eat something of sustenance (ie, not just a piece of fruit or a granola bar), you will stay fuller for longer and will be less likely to snack between meals. Eating a substantial breakfast is especially important if you are like me and get your workouts done in the morning. If you start your morning with an intense workout and then do not eat anything at all, or something very minimal, your body will not be able to repair itself and you could also go into "starvation" mode where your body holds on to the extra fat inst

Chiropractic Care

I have met two people in this world when it comes to chiropractic care; people that swear by it, or people that think it is complete phooey. Let me start by saying that not too long ago, I was in the former group. I thought chiropractic care was good for those that had serious injuries, but did nothing for those that are not injured. But now, I swear by my chiro and think it is important to share my story of how my thoughts and opinions changed. Let me start by saying that I have had some pretty terrible posture my entire life which is something that runs in my family; my grandmother had a very bad hunchback. I thought I would be able to fix this by doing different types of stretches and exercises that were good for improving posture, or by doing a bunch of yoga. However, I found that it wasn't that simple. At the beginning of the summer, I started suffering from a lot of dull achy pain in my upper back, along the shoulders, right below my neck, etc. I had just started train

New year, new me

How many of you year after year have made an unattainable resolution at New Years to go to the gym every single day, eat healthy, etc and then find yourself two weeks later right back where you started? We have all been there....I know I have. And I can pinpoint these people at the gym every year for the first two weeks of January clogging up the gym and then never seeing them again. So how do you actually stick to your resolution of living a healthier lifestyle? 1. Choose A Realistic Goal If you set a goal of working out 5 days a week (which is a great goal) if you don't even exercise once a week, chances are you will not be able to stick to that goal. I hate to be that negative Nancy, but I have been there in the past and I know how many times I have failed to stick to an unrealistic goal that I have made. Small, realistic goals are the only way to not only stick to your resolution, but it starts the process of making it a lifestyle change instead of a resolution. So start

Here goes nothing....

  I don't know about ya'll, but as a busy working girl (2 jobs AND school), I find it very hard sometimes to keep up with a healthy lifestyle. And then I go on social media and watch bada** women like Melissa Hartwig (Co-creater of Whole30) working out and looking AMAZING and I can't help but to feel bad about myself because I don't look like her. Then I have to remind myself that this is what she does for a living and has way more time to spend in the gym and cooking than a regular person such as myself has. BUT, I know first hand that it is possible to achieve your health and fitness goals despite being a busy gal. That is what inspired me to create this blog. My fitness journey started 6 years ago when I woke up one morning and was just sick of being overweight. I was 5'4 and about a size 12/14 and wasn't athletic by any means. I didn't workout ever and my eating habits were terrible, hence how I go to be in that state. Once I finally set my mind to