
Showing posts from 2019

A Secret Struggle

We have all been look in the mirror and zero in on your double chin, the extra padding around your midsection, the cellulite. It is, I believe, completely normal to have these thoughts from time to time. But for me, there was a period in my life where these thoughts were all-consuming. All I thought about was how "bloated and fat" my stomach looked, or the jiggle that came from my thighs. Ever since I can remember, I have struggled with body image issues. In my late teens/early 20s, I put on a lot of weight, however around my mid-20s I started to get into physical fitness and nutrition. I went from a size 14/16 to a size 0, and was extremely active. So you would think that when I looked in the mirror I would feel beautiful, sexy and confident, right? That couldn't be further from the truth. I was obsessed with becoming "skinny" and thought about the food I consumed constantly. If I ate something bad for me, I would beat myself up. I would spend

Changing things up

Wow, it has been quite a while since I have posted! My life has been crazy busy with so many changes that have taken place. I moved from Chicago to Austin in July and have since been getting myself in my brand new life of a new job, new friends and church community, and new training. Back in October, I started veering away from the massive amounts of cardio I has been doing and started to become interested in strength training. I has done some strength training back in Chicago, but nothing too heavy and most of it had been confined to whatever I had done in group fitness classes. I really had no idea what I was doing, but I also knew I needed to start somewhere. The first time I decided to tackle the squat rack, I was terrified. I had never used anything other than the smith machine, and I was scared I was going to look stupid and like a total newbie....and, I did. But I learned that it was ok. We all need to start somewhere! Thankfully the few other crazies that I see every mornin