
Showing posts from March, 2018

Don't be that person (A dummy's guide to gym etiquette)

It doesn't take much time being at the gym to know that people suck. Nothing is more frustrating that getting into zone during your workout only to have some idiot do something to annoy you. Below is a list of some things to do at the gym so you do not become THAT person that everyone can't stand. 1. Wipe down your machine There is nothing worse than waiting to use a machine at the gym only to find that the person using it prior to you has left a trail of their disgusting sweat. You know those little wet wipes that are in practically every corner of the gym? Use them! 2. Machine "Reserving"  This is about as annoying as people using folding chairs to reserve their parking spot in the winter. We all want to get in to the gym, put in our work, and get out, but "reserving" multiple machines at a time is just not ok....this is not your private gym. The same goes for the space you use while working out. Don't spread your crap all over the place to t

Is this healthy?

"Is butter a carb?" For those of you have seen Mean Girls, you know what I'm talking about, but questions like this are all too common in the healthy food world. And with so many conflicting theories on what is healthy and what is not, it is very hard to wade through the immense amount of advice and information out there. So how does one maintain and healthy and clean diet? It is not as hard as you may think.... 1. If it came straight from nature, eat it.  Rule of thumb here: if you can pick it from a tree, pull it from the ground, etc, you SHOULD eat it. Whole foods are healthy foods, and the majority of your diet should consist of these in their natural state. An healthy is super good for you with load of vitamins, fiber, and natural sugar. However, when you douse it in caramel or chocolate, that now becomes unhealthy. I see this most commonly with salads. People have a salad packed full with healthy greens, veggies and protein which serves as a great meal......